The life and times of a normal university student

14 January 2010

Fourth Post

Today, the most exciting thing that happened to me was that I got to drive my friend's car. I hated it. However, it was nice to be off campus in a non-walking way... Those of you with no cars know of what I speak.
I was up until 03:00 last night. Tonight, I will go to sleep earlier. I have work in the morning and an exam in the afternoon. Fridays are somehow less satisfying when one has to wake up four hours earlier than they would normally... I like school, even if my life is boring, because there's a much better chance that I will be able to sleep in later than in real life. It's a pretty good deal, other than having to pay hideous amounts of money and eating iffy, boring food.
Also today, I realised that I really, really don't like George Clooney. I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I just wanted to put that out there. It's pretty much my claim to faim. Also, I started a blog about how boring my life is... but that doesn't really count, since I don't sign my name to it (and no, my name is not "Bored University Student". Sorry for misleading you all).
With any luck, tomorrow will be just as boring, preferably more so. I'm actually rather fond of boring days- more time for getting homework done and such. Also, exciting days are usually just traumatic days dressed up.

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