The life and times of a normal university student

13 January 2010

Third Post

Right now, I am sitting on my bed with my beloved computer (and anyone who dares make a dirty joke about that will find themselves smacked down with the "banhammer"). I had a pretty boring day today. It rained... I like rain. I come from a dry climate, so rain in any amount is pretty exciting. And snow. We get even less snow than we do rain. It snows a lot here.
Honestly, I think that it's a requirement for universities to have three things- ethnic diversity (by which I mean skin colour), trees (pine, usually, with a few other types thrown in for good measure), and a wet climate (makes it seem more liberal). My school has these three requirements, which is why we were upgraded to "university" (instead of "college") a few years back.
Part of why I'm sitting on my bed instead of in my chair is because I fell on some of the water and banged up my knee, so I now have to put frozen water on my knee to make it better. Ironic much? My part of the world doesn't have ice. It gets cold as all get out, but there's no water. At all. So if your nose is bloodied in the winter, it's from dry skin and not falling and smashing your face on the icy ground. It was pretty much the most interesting thing that happened to me all term, which is why I'm blogging. If I had an interesting life, this blog would not exist. I don't think any blogs would exist if bloggers had interesting lives.
One thing that I didn't put it my "About Me" thingummy is that I am my roommate's doorkeeper/receptionist. My roommate has an interesting life. She does not blog.
Sample conversation between me and someone at the door:
Visitor: *knocks*
Me: "Come in."
Visitor: *knocks again*
Me: *gets up to open door* "Yes?"
Visitor: "Hi. Um, is (roommate) here?"
Please note that one can see the whole of my room from the doorway. If someone is not there, you cannot see them.
Me: "Uh, no..."
Visitor: "Oh. Um, ok. Do you know where she is?"
Me: "Nope. She might be in class, at lunch, at coffee, at work..."
Visitor: "Oh. Ok, can you let her know I was here?"
Me: "Sure..."
Visitor: "Ok, bye..."
Me: *shuts door* "Oye..."

My roommate sometimes has three people come looking for her in one day. It is remarkable. I could probably reconsider my career choice and go for being a receptionist instead of a scientist.

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